Quotable Richard Branson

I’m often asked if I ever feel guilty when taking time for myself or my family and the answer is always no. My family time recharges my batteries and I often come up with my best ideas on holiday or just after it. The way we are working is changing fast, and more companies are focusing less on how many hours their staff work or what time they leave the office each day. By working more efficiently, there is no reason why people can’t work less hours and be equally — if not more — effective.
— Richard Branson, Virgin CEO
Source: http://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/neve...

Sheryl Sandberg to Her Younger Self

‘There is no straight path to where you are going,’ she wrote. ‘If you try to draw that line you will not just get it wrong, but you will miss big opportunities.’ She encourages people to have both a long-term vision for what they want to do, even if it feels wildly ambitious, and a more reasonable, practical, actionable 18-month plan.
— via Entrepreneur Magazine
Source: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/254108